A decerebrate adult mouse model for examining the sensorimotor control of locomotion.

As wild-type and genetically modified mice are progressively becoming the predominant models for studying locomotor physiology, the technical ability to record sensory and motor components from adult mice, in vivo, are expected to contribute to a better understanding of sensorimotor spinal cord networks. Here, specific technical and surgical details are presented on how to produce an adult decerebrate mouse preparation that can reliably produce sustained bouts of stepping, in vivo, in the absence of anesthetic drugs. Data are presented demonstrating the ability of this preparation to produce stepping during treadmill locomotion, adaptability in its responses to changes in the treadmill speed, and left-right alternation. Furthermore, intracellular recordings from motoneurons and interneurons in the spinal cord are presented from preparations where muscle activity was blocked. Intraaxonal recordings are also presented demonstrating that individual afferents can be recorded using this preparation. These data demonstrate that the adult decerebrate mouse is a tractable preparation for the study of sensorimotor systems.

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