Genotyping and interpretation of STR-DNA: Low-template, mixtures and database matches-Twenty years of research and development.

The introduction of Short Tandem Repeat (STR) DNA was a revolution within a revolution that transformed forensic DNA profiling into a tool that could be used, for the first time, to create National DNA databases. This transformation would not have been possible without the concurrent development of fluorescent automated sequencers, combined with the ability to multiplex several loci together. Use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) increased the sensitivity of the method to enable the analysis of a handful of cells. The first multiplexes were simple: 'the quad', introduced by the defunct UK Forensic Science Service (FSS) in 1994, rapidly followed by a more discriminating 'six-plex' (Second Generation Multiplex) in 1995 that was used to create the world's first national DNA database. The success of the database rapidly outgrew the functionality of the original system - by the year 2000 a new multiplex of ten-loci was introduced to reduce the chance of adventitious matches. The technology was adopted world-wide, albeit with different loci. The political requirement to introduce pan-European databases encouraged standardisation - the development of European Standard Set (ESS) of markers comprising twelve-loci is the latest iteration. Although development has been impressive, the methods used to interpret evidence have lagged behind. For example, the theory to interpret complex DNA profiles (low-level mixtures), had been developed fifteen years ago, but only in the past year or so, are the concepts starting to be widely adopted. A plethora of different models (some commercial and others non-commercial) have appeared. This has led to a confusing 'debate' about the 'best' to use. The different models available are described along with their advantages and disadvantages. A section discusses the development of national DNA databases, along with details of an associated controversy to estimate the strength of evidence of matches. Current methodology is limited to searches of complete profiles - another example where the interpretation of matches has not kept pace with development of theory. STRs have also transformed the area of Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) which frequently requires kinship analysis. However, genotyping efficiency is complicated by complex, degraded DNA profiles. Finally, there is now a detailed understanding of the causes of stochastic effects that cause DNA profiles to exhibit the phenomena of drop-out and drop-in, along with artefacts such as stutters. The phenomena discussed include: heterozygote balance; stutter; degradation; the effect of decreasing quantities of DNA; the dilution effect.

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