Natural Language Processing for Social Media

This book presents the state-of-the-art in research and empirical studies in the field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) for the semantic analysis of social media data. Over the past few years, online social networking sites have revolutionized the way we communicate with individuals, groups and communities, and altered everyday practices. The unprecedented volume and variety of user-generated content and the user interaction network constitute new opportunities for understanding social behavior and building socially intelligent systems. Much research work on social networks and the mining of the social web is based on graph theory. That is apt because a social structure is made up of a set of social actors and a set of the dyadic ties between these actors. We believe that the graph-mining methods for structure, information diffusion or influence spread in social networks needs to combined with the content analysis of social media. This provides the opportunity for new applications that use the information publicly available as a result of social interactions. The intended audience of this book is researchers who are interested in developing tools and applications for automatic analysis of social media texts. We assume that the readers have basic knowledge in the area of natural language processing and machine learning. This book will help the readers better understand computational linguistics and social media analysis, in particular text-mining techniques and NLP applications (such as summarization, localization detection, sentiment and emotion analysis, topic detection and machine translation) designed specifically for social media texts.

[1]  Hanan Samet,et al.  TwitterStand: news in tweets , 2009, GIS.

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[3]  Oren Etzioni,et al.  Extracting Product Features and Opinions from Reviews , 2005, HLT.

[4]  Saif Mohammad,et al.  Using Hashtags to Capture Fine Emotion Categories from Tweets , 2015, Comput. Intell..

[5]  Fatiha Sadat,et al.  Automatic Identification of Arabic Language Varieties and Dialects in Social Media , 2014, SocialNLP@COLING.

[6]  S. Ozdemir,et al.  Analysis of the relation between Turkish twitter messages and stock market index , 2012, 2012 6th International Conference on Application of Information and Communication Technologies (AICT).

[7]  Wen-Tai Hsieh,et al.  Predicting TV Audience Rating with Social Media , 2013, SocialNLP@IJCNLP.

[8]  Adrian Popescu,et al.  Mining User Home Location and Gender from Flickr Tags , 2010, ICWSM.

[9]  Mike Thelwall,et al.  Sentiment in Twitter events , 2011, J. Assoc. Inf. Sci. Technol..

[10]  Laura Elisabeth Jehl,et al.  Machine Translation for Twitter , 2010 .

[11]  Timothy Baldwin,et al. An Off-the-shelf Language Identification Tool , 2012, ACL.

[12]  Stavros Valsamidis,et al.  A Framework for Opinion Mining in Blogs for Agriculture , 2013 .

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[14]  Philip J. Stone,et al.  The general inquirer: A computer system for content analysis and retrieval based on the sentence as a unit of information , 2007 .

[15]  José M. Molina López,et al.  Combining Machine Learning Techniques and Natural Language Processing to Infer Emotions Using Spanish Twitter Corpus , 2013, PAAMS.

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[20]  Richard Colbaugh,et al.  Estimating sentiment orientation in social media for intelligence monitoring and analysis , 2010, 2010 IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics.

[21]  Paul Barford,et al.  A Learning-Based Approach for IP Geolocation , 2010, PAM.

[22]  Georgios Zervas,et al.  Fake It Till You Make It: Reputation, Competition, and Yelp Review Fraud , 2015, Manag. Sci..

[23]  Timothy Baldwin,et al.  Text-Based Twitter User Geolocation Prediction , 2014, J. Artif. Intell. Res..

[24]  Bo Pang,et al.  The effect of wording on message propagation: Topic- and author-controlled natural experiments on Twitter , 2014, ACL.

[25]  Jason Baldridge,et al.  Hierarchical Discriminative Classification for Text-Based Geolocation , 2014, EMNLP.

[26]  Chris Callison-Burch,et al.  Arabic Dialect Identification , 2014, CL.

[27]  Ralf D. Brown,et al.  Selecting and Weighting N-Grams to Identify 1100 Languages , 2013, TSD.

[28]  Janyce Wiebe,et al.  Articles: Recognizing Contextual Polarity: An Exploration of Features for Phrase-Level Sentiment Analysis , 2009, CL.

[29]  Kareem Darwish,et al.  Using Twitter to Collect a Multi-Dialectal Corpus of Arabic , 2014, ANLP@EMNLP.

[30]  Oren Etzioni,et al.  Named Entity Recognition in Tweets: An Experimental Study , 2011, EMNLP.

[31]  Kyumin Lee,et al.  You are where you tweet: a content-based approach to geo-locating twitter users , 2010, CIKM.

[32]  Xiaojie Yuan,et al.  Exploiting Social Media for Stock Market Prediction with Factorization Machine , 2014, 2014 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conferences on Web Intelligence (WI) and Intelligent Agent Technologies (IAT).

[33]  Jens Grossklags,et al.  An online experiment of privacy authorization dialogues for social applications , 2013, CSCW.

[34]  Brendan T. O'Connor,et al.  TweetMotif: Exploratory Search and Topic Summarization for Twitter , 2010, ICWSM.

[35]  Fred Popowich,et al.  Opinion Polarity Identification through Adjectives , 2010, ArXiv.

[36]  Fernando Diaz,et al.  Extracting information nuggets from disaster- Related messages in social media , 2013, ISCRAM.

[37]  Haofen Wang,et al.  Towards Effective Event Detection, Tracking and Summarization on Microblog Data , 2011, WAIM.

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[41]  Eduard H. Hovy,et al.  Automatic Evaluation of Summaries Using N-gram Co-occurrence Statistics , 2003, NAACL.

[42]  Kalina Bontcheva,et al.  Where's @wally?: a classification approach to geolocating users based on their social ties , 2013, HT.

[43]  Timothy Baldwin,et al.  Automatic Identification of Locative Expressions from Social Media Text: A Comparative Analysis , 2014, LocWeb '14.

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[50]  Saif Mohammad,et al.  NRC-Canada: Building the State-of-the-Art in Sentiment Analysis of Tweets , 2013, *SEMEVAL.

[51]  Nanyun Peng,et al.  Learning Polylingual Topic Models from Code-Switched Social Media Documents , 2014, ACL.

[52]  Timothy Baldwin,et al.  Accurate Language Identification of Twitter Messages , 2014 .

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[55]  Ming Zhou,et al.  Joint Inference of Named Entity Recognition and Normalization for Tweets , 2012, ACL.

[56]  Uwe F. Mayer Bootstrapped language identification for multi-site internet domains , 2012, KDD.

[57]  Chris Callison-Burch,et al.  Machine Translation of Arabic Dialects , 2012, NAACL.

[58]  Alan R. Dennis,et al.  Trading on Twitter: The Financial Information Content of Emotion in Social Media , 2014, 2014 47th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences.

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[62]  Kalina Bontcheva,et al.  Microblog-genre noise and impact on semantic annotation accuracy , 2013, HT.

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[64]  Claire Cardie,et al.  Annotating Expressions of Opinions and Emotions in Language , 2005, Lang. Resour. Evaluation.

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[82]  David Yarowsky,et al.  Hierarchical Bayesian Models for Latent Attribute Detection in Social Media , 2011, ICWSM.

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[87]  Alexander Porshnev,et al.  Machine Learning in Prediction of Stock Market Indicators Based on Historical Data and Data from Twitter Sentiment Analysis , 2013, 2013 IEEE 13th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops.

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