Rockburst hazard determination by using computed tomography technology in deep workface

The rockburst in mines results from the dynamic load coupled with static one in coal seams around workface zones, so it is essential to learn the stress distribution of the coal and surrounding rock for determination of rockburst risk areas. The relationship between the elastic wave velocity and stress applied on coal sample was investigated systematically by laboratory testing, theoretically analysis, as well as on-site observation, and a positive correlation between them under uniaxial compression was put forward. Furthermore, it is drawn that the anomaly of elastic wave velocity reflects the stress changes: the positive anomaly ascertains the stress concentration while the negative anomaly estimates the mining destress and weaken degree, and corresponding assessment criterions and parameters were established respectively. The hazard areas and degree of an island longwall face 16302C were forecasted before coal winning based on the elastic wave anomaly distribution rules using active tremor velocity inversion, monitoring results of mining shocks during exploitation indicate that the consistency between locations of big tremors and where forecasted by computed tomography (CT) exceed 80%. The successful application of this technology achieved remarkable economic and social benefits for disaster control in rockburst mines.