Influence of IR laser radiation on breast carcinoma in rats

The infrared emitting lasers have been widely used in medicine. The aim of this work was to examine the IR laser light evoked changes in the breast carcinoma of rats. The different light doses were applied: 1J/cm2, 10J/cm2, 20J/cm2 and 30J/cm2. The used wavelength was 980nm. The tumors were irradiated for 10 days. There was also control (non-irradiated) group. In both groups, no additional pharmacological means were applied. The bigger increase of the tumor size was stated in case of lowest mentioned here light dose. In this case the severe metastasis to the lung and lymphatic nodes were noticed. No metastasis were observed in case of highest dose applied in this study. For higher energy densities an apoptosis in tumors was stated.