The integration of organization and information system modeling: a metasystem approach to the generation of group decision support systems and computer-aided software engineering

Information systems have become an essential part of every business organization's production and management process. It is critical to an enterprise to integrate its organization and information systems. However, the lack of computer-supported tools for modeling organization and information systems has put their integration far beyond our reach. In this research, a metasystem approach that can integrate organization and information system modeling by means of group decision support systems (GOSS) and computer-aided software engineering (CASE) has been proposed. A prototype system, called MetaPlex, has been designed and implemented to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed approach. The emphasis in design and implementation of MetaPlex has been on making the underlying knowledge representation expressive enough to meet modeling requirements and ensuring that the user interface is easy for managers illld users to use. The use of a GOSS makes it possible to capture strategic assumptions and business objectives, as well as structures of an organization, from managers through face-to-face group meetings. The application of the metasystem concepts in generating GOSS tools makes the customization of a GOSS environment possible. Because a GDSS environment driven by a metasystem can be used to acquire information about a target system from multiple experts in a structured format that can be integrated with CASE tools, this approach provides a basis for a seamless integration of GOSS illld CASE tools to support both organization and information system modeling.