Low-Subsonic-Speed Static Stability of Right-Triangular-Pyramid and Half-Cone Lifting Reentry Configurations
An investigation has been made to determine the low-subsonic-speed static stability characteristics of several right-triangular-pyramid and half-cone configurations. Also studied were the effects of various modifications, such as base extensions, nose shape, nose incidence, and ridge-line shape. The investigation showed that, in general, the models had satisfactory longitudinal and lateral stability. The basic pyramid model and the conical ridge-line model with or without a rounded nose had almost identical longitudinal and lateral stability characteristics and lift-drag ratios. The lift-drag ratios of the cylindrical ridge-line and half-cone models were considerably lower than those of the conical ridge-line model. The addition of a 20 degree boattail to the models increased the lift-drag ratios but decreased the directional stability, whereas a streamwise base extension was more effective in increasing the lift-drag ratios and increased the directional stability.