Enhancing The Encryption Process Of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) By Using Proposed Algorithm To Generate S-Box

Information security is a very important issue in data communication. Any loss or threat to information transfer can prove to be great loss in the process of sending information. Encryption technique plays a main role in information security systems. The advanced encryption standard algorithm is widely accepted due to its strong encryption, complex processing and its resistance to Brute -force attack. This paper presents a proposed algorithm to enhance the encryption process of advanced encryption standard algorithm (AES) by introducing a new algorithm to generate dynamic S-Box from cipher key. This algorithm will lead to generate more secure block ciphers, and solve the problem of the fixed structure S-Boxes and will increase the security level of the AES block cipher system. The main advantage of this algorithm is that many S -Boxes can be generated by changing cipher key. The proposed algorithm leads to increase the complexity of encryption process and makes the differential and linear cryptanalysis more difficult.