A modern problem of current societies is the excellence of their education structures. MOOCs are innovative devices that have been utilized to enhance and augment the traditional educational framework. MOOC is defined to have enormous profit by its technological advances. When an instructive stage is available and still there is a scope for components to give virtual instructive situations where each learner is viewed as a principle performer in the outline of the learning process, thereby adding to expand the quality of education. It is essential for the MOOCs providers to see if learning is more powerful when it is introduced through one methodology as opposed to another methodology. This is especially essential when working with understudies with particular learning challenges who frequently experience issues get to realize when it is just exhibited through their weaker methodology. What we should remember is that people are different, and each of us learn differently (1) . The very same learning conditions, guidance and instructions (2) that can be so effective for one person can cause problems for another (3) . The learning styles must be anticipated deliberately, in light of the fact that the mental equalization is variable in nature and the MOOC are differentiated in light of the learning design, environment, time and their state of mind. Since 1930 the term learning style has been broadly utilized in psychology and pedagogy. Specifically, MOOC more often need components for perceiving users' learning styles, which depict the way a learner procures and process data. In this plan, we adduce a framework for automated identification of learning styles in MOOC. A key objective of this system design is to furnish and understand the user learning styles in MOOC.