End-User Searching: Program Review and Future Prospects.

The impending implementation of a local area network at Hofstra University's Axinn Library provides an opportu nity for the Reference Department to evaluate the library's current end-user services and the effectiveness of the ongo ing end-user training program. A survey was conducted to determine how well end-user services satisfy information needs and the extent to which end-users apply the concepts and techniques emphasized in the training program. Find ings suggest that: 1. There is a high degree of user satisfaction with the end user services. 2. End-users do not differentiate between keyword and descriptor searching despite the emphasis placed on these concepts in the formal training program. 3. The emphasis in training on thesaurus use seems out of proportion to its contribution to effective or satisfactory end-user searches, and repeat searchers of end-user ser vices make significantly less use of the thesaurus than do first-time searchers of end-user services. 4. Students do not, to any significant degree, use the ad vanced searching techniques emphasized in training. The study concludes that modifications of the formal training program are needed, and the implementation of the local area network requires the development of better instructional materials, particularly point-of-use guides.