The Making of the European Spatial Development Perspective: No Masterplan
Foreword by Sir Peter Hall. Preface. Acknowledgements. Chapter 1. Roots and Context. Chapter 2. A European Primer. Chapter 3. Nantes and Turin - The Single Market Casting its Shadow. Chapter 4. The Hague and Lisbon - Tooling up for Intergovernmental Planning. Chapter 5. Liege to Leipzig - David and Goliath Working in Tandem. Chapter 6. Strasbourg, Madrid, Venice - In the Doldrums. Chapter 7. Noordwijk - A Collective Effort. Chapter 8. Glasgow and the Consultations - Two Parallel Post-Noordwijk Processes. Chapter 9. Potsdam - The Crowning Event. Chapter 10. 'The Show Must Go On'. References.