Hepatitis C viruses : genomes and molecular biology
Introduction: Hepatitis C 1. HCV Genome and Life Cycle 2. HCV 5' and 3'UTR: When Translation Meets Replication 3. Assemble and Interact: Pleiotropic Functions of the HCV Core Protein 4. HCV Glycoproteins: Assembly of a Functional E1-E2 Heterodimer 5. HCV NS2/3 Protease 6. HCV NS3-4A Serine Protease 7. HCV Helicase: Structure, Function, and Inhibition 8. HCV NS4B: from Obscurity to Central Stage 9. HCV NS5A: A Multifunctional Regulator of Cellular Pathways and Virus Replication 10. Biochemical Activities of the HCV NS5B RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase 11. HCV Replicon Systems 12. Animal Models for HCV Study 13. HCV Regulation of Host Defense 14. Regulation of Adaptive Immunity by HCV 15. Recombinant Vesicular Stomatitis Virus (VSV) and Other Strategies in HCV Vaccine Designs and Immunotherapy 16. Development of an Infectious HCV Cell Culture System