McNaughton (1984) showed that feeding in groups can convey significant utritional benefits to large herbivores by enhancing food yield from the grasslands they feed upon. However, the nutritional benefit of gregarious behavior was subsequently questioned by Westoby (1985), who reviewed empirical evidence showing that increases in herbivore density frequently compel deterioration i their nutritional status. McNaughton (1986) argued that this discrepancy was due to differences inthe evolutionary history of domestic and wild grazers. We believe there is a more parsimonious explanation. Here, we offer a simple model that reconciles the seemingly conflicting observations of Westoby and McNaughton, showing them to be specific examples of a more general case. Gregariousness i nutritionally advantageous when the capture of nutrients by herbivores feeding in grazed patches exceeds nutrient capture in ungrazed patches (McNaughton 1986). The expected rate of nutrient intake from grazed and ungrazed patches can be predicted from the functional response of the herbivore, the standing crop of the grazed and ungrazed patches, and the difference innutrient concentrations ofthe grazed and ungrazed forage. The rate of nutrient intake (F, in g/min) by a feeding herbivore is a product of its dry-matter intake rate (I, in g/ min) and the concentration of nutrients (D, a decimal fraction) in the mass of forage eaten: F = ID. The dry-matter intake rate of large herbivores is an asymptotically increasing function of the mass of available forage (Allden 1962; Allden and Whittaker 1970; Wickstrom et al. 1984; Short 1985, 1986; Hudson and Watkins 1986; Renecker and Hudson 1986), which can be represented in the form I = axl(b + x), where x is the standing crop of food; a is a constant describing the maximum intake rate; and b is a constant describing the rate of approach to maximum intake. Assuming that the standing crop of ungrazed grass exceeds the standing crop of regrowth in a grazed patch, the biomass of regrowth (R, in kg) following razing can be expressed as a fraction (fi) of the original, ungrazed biomass (U, in kg): R = fi U, where 0.0 < fi < 1.0. Similarly, the concentration of a nutrient in regrowth (Dg) can be expected to exceed its concentration i mature, ungrazed forage (Du). It follows that the nutrient content of regrowth can be expressed as a multiple (f2) of the nutrient content of mature forage: Dg = f2Du, where'2 > 1.0. The expected intake of nutrients ingrazed (Fg) and ungrazed (F") food patches can then be calculated as a function of the standing-crop biomass and of the nutrient concentration of the ungrazed food:
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