We approach here occupational therapy experiences as strategies to understand social reality, to offer academic training and to developresearch and reflections to promote care technologies in the social field, with a focus on strengthening social support networks of population groupsin situation of social vulnerability and/or disaffiliation. That is harmonized with the proposal of training standards of World Federation of OccupationalTherapists, mainly regarding the necessary engagement with the entire society, making visible the possibilities of contribution from the area to thesocial welfare of people in their communities. The goal is to discuss the training of undergraduate and graduate students as well as interventions thatemphasize the technical-ethical-political role of professionals before contemporary social problems. For doing this, one works mainly from programs forhelping Brazilian children and youngsters, in their interfaces with social questions. We observed that occupational therapy has effective contributions asa nucleus of professional specificity for intervention in the territorial dimension, for the development of conviviality, overcoming an approach centeredin the clinical/individual dimension, respecting subjects’ singularity, from the principles concerning the search of the radical exercise of democracy andrights coming from citizenship.