시니어포탈(Senior Portal)에서 제공하는 콘텐츠에 대한 선호도 연구

This study defines the senior portal as a specialized internet portal that will be probably popular with the pre-senior/senior internet users who are over 40, sooner or later. The purpose of the study is to analyze what types of online contents on the senior portal are mostly preferred by the pre-senior/senior, and does the preference of those content types vary according to the demographic and the internet usage characteristics of the pre-senior/senior. The study also is to suggest some research propositions, based on the analysis results, that could be applied to empirical studies in the future which deal with various research questions on the senior portal. To accomplish these research purposes, the study performed a survey for the prospective senior portal users who are living in metropolitan areas, and did various statistical analyses. This study found that the preference of content types of the senior portal vary according to some personal characteristics of the prospective senior portal users, and moreover proposed a few of research propositions on the relationships between personal characteristics and preferred content types.