PDA's, barcodes and video-films for continuous learning at an intensive care unit

This describes a prototype made to support and augment continuous learning for the employees at an Intensive Care Unit. The prototype is made from off-the-shelf products. The prototype is a mobile interface consisting of a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) and a barcode reader. On the PDA are a number of short video-films produced by the employees (especially the nurses) at the Intensive Care Unit. The content of the video-films vary from instructions about medical equipment to films about handling of sores, reflections on "best practices" etc. Barcodes distributed in the Intensive Care environment give access to the video-films. A running prototype will be demonstrated and the conference participants will be able to try the prototype themselves. Furthermore a short video-film will give examples of nurses producing video-films, discussing the video-films, and using the PDA prototype.