When designing a circuit, it may be too large to fit on a single layer of a chip, on a single chip, or on a single board. Regardless of the design level, the same objectives remain. Normally, it is desirable to minimize the number of layers, chips, or boards, along with minimizing the delay. Additional constraints, such as the number of interconnections and power consumption, must often be considered. We have developed two k-way bounded partitioning algorithms; one is evolutionary-based, while the other is a hierarchical graph center-based approach. The algorithms are implemented and compared with known partitioning algorithms. Since VLSI circuits can be naturally modeled by graphs, experiments were conducted by partitioning graphs from various graph families against both simulated and real-world partitioning criteria. A direct result of this research is a high-level abstract graph-partitioning model. This model allows one to specify mathematical evaluation metrics and control parameters, permitting inter-domain comparison of algorithms and allowing one to identify the particular scenarios they are best applicable to.
Robert K. Brayton,et al.
On clustering for minimum delay/ara
1991 IEEE International Conference on Computer-Aided Design Digest of Technical Papers.
Zbigniew Michalewicz,et al.
Genetic Algorithms + Data Structures = Evolution Programs
Artificial Intelligence.
Randy L. Haupt,et al.
Practical Genetic Algorithms
S. Kung,et al.
VLSI Array processors
IEEE ASSP Magazine.
Eugene L. Lawler,et al.
Module Clustering to Minimize Delay in Digital Networks
IEEE Transactions on Computers.
Rajmohan Rajaraman,et al.
Optimal Clustering for Delay Minimization
30th ACM/IEEE Design Automation Conference.
Frank Harary,et al.
Distance in graphs