The South African Natural Wine Industry — Recent History with Particular Reference to the Influence of Stellenbosch Farmers' Winery
Natural wine was not a factor in South Africa until after 1935. However, the hybrid Pinotage was produced in the 1920's and the now quasi government KWV representing wine farmers, was far reachingly empowered to fix the price of distilling wine. South Africa is traditionally a national brandy and beer drinking nation, and that largely stands today. The monopolistic KWV backed by the Afrikaaner government since 1948 has continuously increased its hold as a stabilising force. In reply the producing wholesalers have merged from many into four very large firms of which SFW is by far the biggest. Even the two largest of those were controlled by one firm until joined by KWV, their long term adversary, which took a thirty percent interest SFW's vision of natural wine being more healthy than spirits has been its theme from the time of its founder W.C. Winshaw in 1935. This is demonstrated in many ways. The new South African government, no longer Afrikaaner led, has set up a competition's board enquiry which is almost certainly destined to change completely, the face of the whole SA wine and spirits industry. The purpose of this paper is to set on record the old regime, and Stellenbosch Fanner's part therein as a matter of record and learning.
[1] H. Palmer,et al. The First Two Hundred Years , 1981 .