Software Design Description for the Globally Relocatable Navy Tide/Atmosphere Modeling System (PCTides)

Abstract : The purpose of this Software Design Description (SDD) is to describe the software design and code of the Globally Relocatable Navy Tide/Armosphere Modeling System (PCTides). It includes the mathematical formulation and solution procedures for Global Coastal Ocean Model 2D/3D (GCOM2D/3D) and Mesoscale Atmospheric Prediction System (MAPS) as well as flow charts and descriptions of the programs, subprograms, and common blocks. PCTides is part of the Oceanographic and Atmospheric Master Library (OAML) and is actively configuration managed under the direction of that authority. This document, along with the Software Requirements Specification (Preller et al., 2001) and the Software Test Description (Preller et al., 2001) form the standard documention package for the OAML PCTides.