Stochastic Low-Rank Bandits

Many problems in computer vision and recommender systems involve low-rank matrices. In this work, we study the problem of finding the maximum entry of a stochastic low-rank matrix from sequential observations. At each step, a learning agent chooses pairs of row and column arms, and receives the noisy product of their latent values as a reward. The main challenge is that the latent values are unobserved. We identify a class of non-negative matrices whose maximum entry can be found statistically efficiently and propose an algorithm for finding them, which we call LowRankElim. We derive a $\DeclareMathOperator{\poly}{poly} O((K + L) \poly(d) \Delta^{-1} \log n)$ upper bound on its $n$-step regret, where $K$ is the number of rows, $L$ is the number of columns, $d$ is the rank of the matrix, and $\Delta$ is the minimum gap. The bound depends on other problem-specific constants that clearly do not depend $K L$. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such result in the literature.

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