MASCARA-2 b A hot Jupiter transiting the m V = 7 . 6 A-star HD 185603 (cid:63)

In this paper we present MASCARA-2b, a hot Jupiter transiting the m V = 7 . 6 A2 star HD185603. Since early 2015, MASCARA has taken more than 1.6 million flux measurements of the star, corresponding to a total of almost 3000 h of observations, revealing a periodic dimming in the flux with a depth of 1 . 3%. Photometric follow-up observations were performed with the NITES and IAC80 telescopes and spectroscopic measurements were obtained with the Hertzsprung SONG telescope. We find MASCARA-2b orbits HD185603 with a period of 3 . 474119 + 0 . 000005 − 0 . 000006 days at a distance of 0 . 057 ± 0 . 006 au, has a radius of 1 . 83 ± 0 . 07 R J and place a 99% upper limit on the mass of < 17 M J . HD185603 is a rapidly rotating early-type star with an effective temperature of 8980 + 90 − 130 K and a mass and radius of 1 . 89 + 0 . 06 − 0 . 05 M (cid:12) , 1 . 60 ± 0 . 06 R (cid:12) , respectively. Contrary to most other hot Jupiters transiting early-type stars, the projected planet orbital axis and stellar spin axis are found to be aligned with λ = 0 . 6 ± 4 ◦ . The brightness of the host star and the high equilibrium temperature, 2260 ± 50 K, of MASCARA-2b make it a suitable target for atmospheric studies from the ground and space. Of particular interest is the detection of TiO, which has recently been detected in the similarly hot planets WASP-33b and WASP-19b.