Wide-band interference suppression receiver in a hybrid OCDMA/WDMA system

In order to satisfy the demand of large bandwidth and capacity for wired network, a new concept of an all optical hybrid OCDMANDMA system is proposed. We combine WDMA and OCDMA users into one optical communication system in which the form of transmitted signal at the transmitter is WDMA+OCDMA, and so is that of the received signal at the receiver. From WDMA users’ point of view, OCDMA users are wide-band interference (WBI), so receiver design for WIN31 suppression in hybrid OCDMANDMA system is needed. In this paper, based on the hybrid OCDMANDMA system, we propose a WDMA receiver design which can receive the desired WDMA signal with the least interference, and the SNR performance of the entire system is outstanding with the proposed receiver. OCDMAlWDMA system, WBI, MI, WDMA receiver.