Abstract Let D be a digraph with vertex set V and let (Γ, +, 0) be any Abelian group. A weighting b of the vertices with elements of Γ is balanced if for every vertex v the weight on v is “the average” of the weights on the vertices in the out-neighborhood of v , i.e., d + ( v ) b ( v ) = Σ b ( w ) where the summation is over all vertices w in the out-neighborhood of v and d + ( v ) denotes the out-degree of v . The set B ( Γ ) of all balanced vertex weightings determines a group. Let a v denote the number of spanning in arborescences rooted at vertex v and let α = gcd {a v ¦v ∈ V} . In this paper we show that α has a unique factorization α = α 1 α 2 … α m such that α, is a multiple of α i +1 , i = 1, 2,…, m − 1 and such that for every Abelian group Γ B ( Γ ) ≅ Γ × Γ ( a 1 ) × … × Γ ( α m ), where Γ(α i ) = {g ∈ Γ ¦ α i g = 0} . As a corollary, we obtain the characterization of the group of bicycles over Γ given in (Berman, SIAM J. Algebraic Discrete Methods 7 (1986), 1–12). We also obtain many results about the arborescence numbers including a new proof of Tutte's trinity theorem and two formulae for a D .
Wai-Kai Chen.
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Kenneth A. Berman.
Bicycles and spanning trees
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On the Principal Edge Tripartition of a Graph
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Leaky Electricity: 1-Chain Formulas for the Current and Voltage
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Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society.
S. Chaiken.
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Graph Theory
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A Proof of Tuite's Trinity Theorem and a New Determinant Formula
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..
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