Bedömning av utländsk brytning och förståelighet hos personer med svenska som andraspråk före och efter en kurs i svenskt uttal

There is a lot of research made on second language (L2) learning (Jesney, 2004). However the relationship between foreign accent, intelligibility and acoustics within pronunciation tutoring is quite an unresearched area (Thoren, 2008). The aim of the study was to analyze how a course in Swedish pronunciation affected foreign accent, intelligibility and acoustics among L2-learners of Swedish. A total of 41 people participated in the study: 16 L2-learners, 4 native Swedish speakers consisting a control group and 21 perceptual assessors with Swedish as native language. The L2-learners foreign accent and intelligibility were rated by the listeners before and after a course in Swedish pronunciation on an eight-point Likert-scale. The listeners also answered a questionnaire on factors potentially affecting the ratings. The acoustic measurements were made on ten words that were read aloud consisting of long and short allophones of five Swedish vowels. Formants, vowel duration and fundamental frequency were measured for the three closest and the three furthest from native pronunciation rated L2-learners. The results indicate that a class in Swedish pronunciation significantly decreased the L2-learners foreign accent. A strong correlation between the foreign accent and intelligibility ratings was found. Despite a strong correlation, no significant improvement concerning intelligibility could be established. The only factor that affected the intelligibility ratings were the assessor’s geographic affiliation. People from the western part of Sweden rated the intelligibility as less intelligible than raters from the eastern part of Sweden. The results from some of the acoustic measurements corresponded with the assessors ratings of foreign accent and intelligibility. The L2-learner rated as closest to native pronunciation was also the one with acousticly measured results close to the reference values regarding vowel duration (Elert, 1964; Garding et al, 1974; Kugler, 2007; Thoren, i.d.) and fundamental frequency (Pegoraro Krook, 1988). The conclusion is that Swedish pronunciation tutoring should be focused on exercises that increase intelligibility because exercises that improve the foreign accent not necessarily increase the intelligibility. %%%% Det finns en hel del forskning kring andraspraksinlarning (Jesney, 2004). Dock ar forhallandet mellan brytning, forstaelighet och akustiska variabler ett omrade som inte ar lika val beforskat inom uttalsundervisning i svenska (Thoren, 2008). Syftet med foreliggande studie var att undersoka hur en kurs i svenskt uttal paverkade brytning, forstaelighet och akustiskt matbara parametrar hos personer med svenska som andrasprak. Totalt medverkade 41 personer i studien varav 16 stycken var andrasprakstalare, 4 stycken var kontrollpersoner och resterande 21 var modersmalstalare av svenska som agerade lyssnarbedomare. Lyssnarbedomarnas skattningar baserades pa tva inspelningar av andrasprakstalarnas spontantal fore och efter en kurs i svenskt uttal. Bedomningen gjordes pa en…