The major challenge of this part of the accelerator is to keep a high quality beam, with a pulse well defined in time, a low emittance and a minimized halo, so that the beam losses downstream the linac be limited and the overall ESS reliability be maximized. In order to minimize beam loss at high energy linac, and the consequent activation of components, a fast chopping scheme is presented for the medium energy beam transport section (MEBT). The considered versatile MEBT is being designed to achieve four main goals: First, to contain a fast chopper and its correspondent beam dump, that could serve in the commissioning as well as in the ramp up phases. Second, to serve as a halo scraping section by means of various adjustable blades. Third, to measure the beam phase and profile between the RFQ and the DTL, along with other beam monitors. And finally, to match the RFQ output beam characteristics to the DTL input both transversally and longitudinally. For this purpose a set of ten quadrupoles is used to match the beam characteristics transversally, combined with three 352.2 MHz buncher cavities, which are used to adjust the beam in order to fulfill the required longitudinal parameters.