Anthropology and epidemiology : interdisciplinary approaches to the study of health and disease

Section I: Historical and Theoretical Perspectives.- Introduction: Medical Anthropology and Epidemiology.- Early Work in Anthropology and Epidemiology: From Social Medicine to the Germ Theory, 1840 to 1920.- Anthropology and Epidemiology in the Twentieth Century: A Selective History of Collaborative Projects and Theoretical Affinities, 1920 to 1970.- Section II: Infectious Diseases.- Epidemiological Research on Infectious Disease: Quantitative Rigor or Rigormortis? Insights from Eth-nomedicine.- Ethnicity, Ecology, and Mortality Transitions in Northwestern Thailand.- The AIDS Epidemic in San Francisco: Epidemiological and Anthropological Perspectives.- Section III: Non-Infectious Diseases.- Migration and Hypertension: An Ethnography of Disease Risk in an Urban Samoan Community.- The Meaning of Lumps: A Case Study of the Ambiguities of Risk.- Section IV: Psycho-Social Conditions.- Colonial Stress in the Canadian Arctic: An Ethnography of Young Adults Changing.- Respondent-Identified Reasons for Change and Stability in Alcohol Consumption as a Concomitant of the Aging Process.- Identifying Psychosocial Disorders in Children: On Integrating Epidemiological and Anthropological Understandings.- List of Contributors.- Index of Names.- Index of Subjects.