Impacts and damages of the European multi-year drought and heat event 2018-2022 on forests, a review

Impacts and damages of the European multi-year drought and heat event 2018 2022 on forests, a review Florian Knutzen, Paul Averbeck, Caterina Barrasso, Laurens M. Bouwer, Barry Gardiner, José M. Grünzweig, Sabine Hänel, Karsten Haustein, Marius Rohde Johannessen, Stefan Kollet, Joni-Pekka Pietikaeinen, Karolina PietrasCouffignal, Joaquim G. Pinto, Diana Rechid, Efi Rousi, Ana Russo, Laura Suarez-Gutierrez, Julian Wendler, 5 Elena Xoplaki, Daniel Gliksman

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