User Allocation Algorithm with Rate Guarantees for Multi-Rate Mobile Networks with Backhaul Constraints

The optimization of the base station (BS) Thus, an assignment procedure which is based on radio assignment problem in mobile access networks is a primary task parameters may assign users to base stations with an towards enabling efficient utilization of network resources. So overloaded backhaul since its assignment criteria do not far, this problem has been mainly studied in terms of air consider the backhaul load of BSs. Under this context, in a interface optimization. In this paper, we present a novel BS previous work (6) we proposed an assignment method that assignment strategy that integrates backhaul constraints in the allocates users to BSs taking into account the availability of user assignment criterion. The motivation of this strategy is the resources in the air interface and the backhaul network. fact that in some scenarios the backhaul can become the network bottleneck. The BS assignment problem or user allocation Illustrative results, obtained assuming a single class of problem is formulated using a utility-based framework. We take mobiles with a fixed transmission rate constraint, indicate that into consideration key aspects such as the revenue associated to a backhaul-aware strategy lead to a higher number of feasible each type of service along with the resource consumption in user assignments. terms of both radio and backhaul resources. Results are given in In this paper we extend the analysis reported in (6) by a multi-service scenario for guaranteed rate services. evaluating the proposed user allocation algorithm in more complex scenarios where data users have varied quality of I. INTRODUCTION