Strategic Management and Competitive Advantage: Concepts

Brief Contents Part 1: THE TOOLS of STRATEGIC ANALYSIS CHAPTER 1: What Is Strategy and the Strategic Management Process? 2 CHAPTER 2: Evaluating a Firm's External Environment 28 CHAPTER 3: Evaluating a Firm's Internal Capabilities 64indows User End-of-Part 1 Cases PC 1-1 Part 2: BUSINESS-LEVEL STRATEGIES CHAPTER 4: Cost Leadership 102 CHAPTER 5: Product Differentiation 130 End-of-Part 2 Cases PC 2-1 Part 3: CORPORATE STRATEGIES CHAPTER 6: Vertical Integration 162 CHAPTER 7: Corporate Diversification 188 CHAPTER 8: Organizing to Implement Corporate Diversification 220 CHAPTER 9: Strategic Alliances 248 CHAPTER 10: Mergers and Acquisitions 276 CHAPTER 11: International Strategies 306 End-of-Part 3 Cases PC 3-1 Appendix: Analyzing Cases and Preparing for Class Discussions 343 Glossary 347 Company Index 355 Name Index 359 Subject Index