There is a lack of data for speed-reading level in Bahasa Malaysia for young people, which refers to individuals between ages 10 and 24. The information is needed by the National Book Council of Malaysia (NBCM) to assess reading frequencies of young people, correlated using speed-reading tests. Hence, a mobile app for speed-reading test in Bahasa Malaysia called Bacalaju has been developed. Applying Progressive Web Application (PWA) that uses front-end website technology, an Android app is generated by compiling the code with Android SDK (Software Development Kit). After the user took their speed-reading test, the result will be transferred via Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX) POST request and stored in a database on the cloud. The mobile app is seen to benefit young readers in Malaysia because it enables users to evaluate their reading skills and encourage them to improve the skills, i.e. speed-reading level and comprehension. At the same time, a website was developed to display the overall result, preliminary result indicated that 37.8% of 98 users involved in this study has both good speed-reading level based on the Taylor Grade Equivalent units and able to score more than 50% in their comprehension test.