The Impacts of Binaural Beats

Binaural beats are a brainwave entrainment technology designed to put your brain into the same activity state as when you are meditating using traditional methods. This research includes defining Binaural Beats, proving their existence, listing the positive and negative impacts of Binaural Beats, and assessing the existing UAE and UK cyberlaws, to evaluate the existence of regulations and laws addressing the use of Binaural Beats. This research includes the impacts of Binaural Beats in the Healthcare, Education, Entertainment, IT Security, and Creativity fields. Moreover, this research does not address digital drug devices that are meant to replace routine medical tablets found at pharmacies and medicine factories. Though there is no huge amount of primary data, it has significant amount of analysis of secondary data from peer reviewed articles and thus the findings have a credible ground. As less research has been done in this field, the results could be of value to researchers to extend its findings further.