Simulating and Analyzing the Effect of Timeliness on the Accuracy Rate of Central Path Planning

Vehicular networks enable vehicles to realtimely upload states to the cloud-based Traffic Control Center (TCC) that then performs global optimized path planning and returns the planned result to the requester for improving traffic congestion. Since a large number of vehicles simultaneously send the path-planning requests to TCC, the TCC has to consume a non-negligible time delay to solve the multi-objective optimization problem in a highly dynamic graph with restrict to the temporal and spatial preferences. This paper aims to provide an overall assessment of the relation between timeliness and accuracy rate of central path planning. To this end, we view the path-planning delay as a variable and perform extensive simulations to analyze the difference of the accuracy rate, traveling time, and velocity between the planed optimal route and the ideal case without any time delay against various combinations of parameters, e.g., vehicle density, in-degree of destination, total number of intersections, and the distance length from the origin to destination.