Outage Troubleshooting Comes of Age

Root cause analysis is a troubleshooting method that can anticipate and control systemic causes of outages and other power distribution problems. Implicit in any troubleshooting activity is a fundamental understanding of the system being targeted. With an understanding of the principles functioning within the system and of the processes involved, power distribution engineers have developed effective step-by-step troubleshooting procedures that are routinely applied. However, once the human factor becomes part of that equation. the process of troubleshooting becomes less defined and less effective without appropriate methods and tools. This paper shows how recent advances in root cause analysis can be applied to solve problems within the distribution system. Examples illustrate how a standard operating procedure based on causal logic can be applied to produce structured models. These models can be objectively measured and compared. In the same way measurements can be taken to determine the status and function of physical systems, logic models of problems can be reliably measured to quantify the risk represented by the system model. Examples show how to find the best and most cost-effective solutions. Details are given on how new computerized techniques can pinpoint root causes of systemic problems, how principles are applied to gain control of problems, and how new data search techniques are applied to provide real-time lessons learned capabilities within the power distribution industry.