Discrete-Event Modeling of the Critical Parameters of Functioning the Products of Infrastructure Projects at the Planning Stage
In the article a thorough analysis of existing researches concerning models, methods and mechanisms of infrastructure projects implementation, research of critical parameters influence to the project products, their modeling is conducted. The modern tendencies of large infrastructure projects implementation, in particular their products such as multifunctional complexes, shopping and entertainment complexes, offices of large business centers are described. A thorough analysis of recent research and publications pointed to the relevance of the research question and modeling of the critical parameters of infrastructure projects products operation at different stages of their implementation, in particular at the planning stage. The main methods of discrete-event modeling are considered. The place of the proposed approach in the set of basic methods of the theory and its practical application to the analysis of the evacuation efficiency from the objects of mass stay of people is determined. During the simulation, new methods were used, in particular, the methodology of simulating a particular event - the evacuation from the object with mass stay of people due to a notice of substitution, and a technique for modeling the functioning life cycle of object with mass stay of people. Were used the simulation modeling tools for infrastructure projects based on the Anylogic multi-agent modeling environment classes that allowed to visualize the project management process. Carrying out system analysis in the study pointed to the urgency of the tools use for modeling the critical parameters of functioning the products of infrastructure projects at the stage of project planning, which will allow to issues a comprehensive approach to security of objects with mass stay of people and objects of critical infrastructures. To the direction of further research, we can include studies of critical parameters of functioning the products of infrastructure projects at the stages of realization and functioning of the project in operation.