The transition state method

According to our present notions, the theory of reaction rates involves three steps. First, one should know the behaviour of all molecules present in the system during the reaction, how they will move, and which products they will yield when colliding with definite velocities, etc. Practically, this amounts in most cases to the construction of the energy surface for the reacting system. Professor Eyring told us about the results which can be obtained by the application of quantum mechanics to molecular systems for this part of the theory. The second step in the theory I would call the statistical part. It endeavours to solve the problem of the rate of elementary reactions. Assuming only the material on the left side of a chemical equation to be present in a vessel, and the molecules of these to have the Maxwell-Boltzman energy and velocity distribution, one wants to know how many molecules corresponding to the right side of the equation will be formed in unit time. The elementary properties of the molecules are supposed to be known in this second step and one wants to express the reaction rate of elementary reactions in terms of these. The present paper will be devoted entirely to this second step. The third step is the consideration of the co-operation of the various elementary reactions, which may occur beside and must occur after each other in order to complete a real reaction. In especially favourable cases there is only one important chain of reactions leading to the final products and this has one link which is so much slower than all the others, that it is made responsible for the observed rate. The others are then assumed to be so much faster that one has practically equilibrium between the two sides of their chemical equations.