A status report on weather modification research in the Dakotas

[1]  H. D. Orville,et al.  The North Dakota Thunderstorm Project: A Cooperative Study of High Plains Thunderstorms , 1992 .

[2]  Harold D. Orvilie,et al.  An Example of a Research Experience for Undergraduates , 1992 .

[3]  J. Stith,et al.  Observations and Model Simulations of Transport and Precipitation Development in a Seeded Cumulus Congestus Cloud , 1991 .

[4]  H. D. Orville,et al.  A Numerical Simulation of the 22 July 1979 HIPLEX-1 Case , 1990 .

[5]  H. D. Orville A Report on the Conference on the Science and Technology of Cloud Seeding in the Black Hills , 1990 .

[6]  S. Changnon,et al.  Experimentation Involving Controversial Scientific and Technological Issues: Weather Modification as a Case Illustration , 1990 .

[7]  D. Short,et al.  The estimation of convective rainfall by area integrals: 1. The theoretical and empirical basis , 1990 .

[8]  J. Stith,et al.  Investigating transport, mixing and the formation of ice in cumuli with gaseous tracer techniques , 1990 .

[9]  J. Stith,et al.  Observations of the Effects of Entrainment and Mixing on the Droplet Size Spectra in a Small Cumulus , 1989 .

[10]  Brooks E. Martner,et al.  Convection Initiation and Downburst Experiment (CINDE) , 1988 .

[11]  G. Vali,et al.  Estimate of Precipitation Enhancement Potential for the Duero Basin of Spain , 1988 .

[12]  R. Farley Numerical Modeling of Hailstorms and Hailstone Growth. Part III: Simulation of an Alberta Hailstorm—Natural and Seeded Cases , 1987 .

[13]  Robert M. Rauber,et al.  Field Evaluation of a Dual-Channel Microwave Radiometer Designed for Measurements of Integrated Water Vapor and Cloud Liquid Water in the Atmosphere , 1987 .

[14]  W. Moninger,et al.  A Technique to Measure Entrainment in Cloud by Dual-Polarization Radar and Chaff , 1987 .

[15]  A. Gagin Evaluation of “Static” and “Dynamic” Seeding Concepts through Analyses of Israeli II and FACE-2 Experiments , 1986 .

[16]  W. Stahel,et al.  Main Results of Grossversuch IV , 1986 .

[17]  H. D. Orville,et al.  Some Surprising Results from Simulated Seeding of Stratiform-Type Clouds , 1984 .

[18]  H. D. Orville,et al.  HIPLEX-1: Experimental Design and Response Variables , 1984 .

[19]  D. Priegnitz,et al.  The Area-Time Integral as an Indicator for Convective Rain Volumes , 1984 .

[20]  R. Lawson,et al.  Physical interpretation of results from the HIPLEX-1 experiment , 1984 .

[21]  John A. Flueck,et al.  The Florida Area Cumulus Experiment's Second Phase (FACE-2). Part II: Replicated and Confirmatory Analyses , 1983 .

[22]  A. Barnston,et al.  The Florida Area Cumulus Experiment's Second Phase (FACE-2). Part I: The Experimental Design, Implementation and Basic Data , 1983 .

[23]  J. Miller,et al.  Development of Physical Evaluation Techniques for the North Dakota Cloud Modification Project , 1983, The Journal of Weather Modification.

[24]  J. Stith Limitations to Dynamic Seeding of North Dakota Summer Clouds , 1983, The Journal of Weather Modification.

[25]  Jeng-Ming Chen,et al.  Effects of Cloud Seeding, Latent Heat of Fusion, and Condensate Loading on Cloud Dynamics and Precipitation Evolution: A Numerical Study. , 1982 .

[26]  P. Mielke,et al.  Climax I and II: Distortion Resistant Residual Analyses , 1982 .

[27]  Kenneth J. Berry,et al.  A class of nonparametric tests based on multiresponse permutation procedures , 1981 .

[28]  A. Dennis,et al.  Comparison of First Radar Echoes in Seeded and Unseeded Convective Clouds in North Dakota. , 1976 .

[29]  D. E. Cain,et al.  Evaluation by Monte Carlo Tests of Effects of Cloud Seeding on Growing Season Rainfall in North Dakota , 1975 .

[30]  D. E. Cain,et al.  Analysis of Radar Observations of a Randomized Cloud Seeding Experiment , 1975 .

[31]  B. Davis,et al.  Cloud Chamber Tests of Generators Using Acetone Solutions of AgI-NaI, AgI-KI and AgI-NH4I , 1973 .

[32]  A. Dennis,et al.  Height and Temperature of First Echoes in Unseeded and Seeded Convective Clouds in South Dakota , 1972 .

[33]  K. R. Biswas Potential value of satellite cloud pictures in weather modification projects , 1972 .

[34]  A. Dennis,et al.  Results of a Randomized Cloud Seeding Experiment in South Dakota , 1969 .

[35]  P. Mielke,et al.  A Target-Control Analysis of Wheat Yield Data for the North Dakota Cloud Modification Project Region , 1992 .

[36]  H. D. Orville,et al.  The Simulation of Cloud Seeding Effects using Numerical Cloud Models , 1991 .

[37]  James Jung,et al.  The Application of Geostationary Satellite Imagery for Decision-Making in Convective Cloud Seeding in North Dakota , 1990 .

[38]  A. Dennis Seeding Summertime Convective Clouds to Increase Black Hills Rainfall , 1990 .

[39]  Harold D Orville,et al.  The Uses of Cloud Models in Weather Modification , 1990 .

[40]  B. Boe,et al.  Wintertime Cloud Liquid Water Observations over the Mogollon Rim of Arizona , 1988 .

[41]  H. D. Orville,et al.  Further Results on Numerical Cloud Seeding Simulations of Stratiform-Type Clouds , 1987 .

[42]  J. Miller,et al.  Some Characteristics of Radar First Echoes in the High Plains , 1986 .

[43]  Raúl E. López,et al.  The Relationship between Height and Precipitation Characteristics of Summertime Convective Cells in South Florida. , 1985 .

[44]  Chin-Fei Hsu,et al.  Statistical Techniques and Key Issues for the Evaluation of Operational Weather Modification , 1981 .

[45]  Kenneth J. Berry,et al.  Application of Multi-Response Permutation Procedures for Examining Seasonal Changes in Monthly Mean Sea-Level Pressure Patterns , 1981 .