Implications of the laminar flamelet model in premixed turbulent combustion

Abstract The consequences of the description of a premixed turbulent flame in terms of an ensemble of laminar flamelets are pursued and are shown to lead to new physical insight into the processes occurring in such flames and to new models for use in their analysis. In prticular, extension of the Bray-Moss model for premixed combustion leads to new models for turbulent transport providing physically appealing closure schemes. In addition, the physicochemical connection between the chemical source term and the dissipation of product fluctuations is developed and used to construct a new model for that dissipation. Similar considerations lead to new models for other dissipations. Similar considerations lead to new models for other dissipation effects. The general conclusion is reached that consistent application of the laminar flamelet model raises doubts as to the applicability to turbulent flames of some of the notions developed for constant density, nonreactive turbulence.