The implementation of diagnosis consultant (Sindanshi) method in the cluster of food SMEs
This study is carried out to identify the main problem dealing with cluster of food SMEs in Kota Batu, The Province of East Java, and to determine the alternative of solution.This study uses the eight step method (of eight steps) in the quality improvement (also called the PDCA cycle) and the method of diagnosis consultant (shindanshi).
The diagnosis scope of analysis covers(ed): the SWOT analysis, the 5 S's analysis, marketing management, operational analysis, production process analysis, layout, quality of product, material and purchasing control, finance analysis, problem solution and recommendation.
The cluster of food SMEs in Kota Batu has the following problems: equipment, layout, marketing, raw material, production process, capitalization, quality, distribution, human resources, and packaging.Therefore, the suggestions for the improvement are: Helping the SMEs make the financial report monthly; socializing the standard quality of process and product based on SNI; socializing the management of barcode; evaluating the condition of available layout regarding waste that happened and improving it.