[Phenomenologic analysis of somatic symptoms in melancholia].

Our presentation is exclusively concerning << somatic >> symptoms, for which non organic basis has been found as yet, which therefore are pure symptoms of bodily experience. As localised disturbances of bodily sensations (cenestopathies) of melancholics they are not only differentiated from somatic symptoms in the above mentioned narrow sense but also from the somatizing syndrom as well as from hypochondria. They can also be differentiated from disturbances of bodily sensations of schizophrenics. Our phenomenological analysis does not only ask for the descriptive phenomenology of these symptoms but also for the << logos >>, i.e. the essence of these phenomena. With the aid of this phenomeno-<< logical >> analysis these disturbances of bodily sensations are seen as a special kind of depersonalisation what we call a melancholic depersonalisation.