Networking Challenges and Prospective Impact of Broadcast-Oriented Wireless Networks-on-Chip

The cost of broadcast has been constraining the design of manycore processors and of the algorithms that run upon them. However, as on-chip RF technologies allow the design of small-footprint and high-bandwidth antennas and transceivers, native low-latency (a few clock cycles) and low-power (a few pJ/bit) broadcast support through wireless communication can be envisaged. In this paper, we analyze the main networking design aspects and challenges of Broadcast-oriented Wireless Network-on-Chip (BoWNoC), which are basically reduced to the development of Medium Access Control (MAC) protocols able to handle hundreds of cores. We evaluate the broadcast performance and scalability of different MAC designs, to then discuss the impact that the proposed paradigm could exert on the performance, scalability and programmability of future manycore architectures, programming models and parallel algorithms.

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