Principles and patterns of high-performance and real-time distributed object computing (tutorial)

Developing robust,, extensible, reusable, and efficient distributed and real-time dkitributed applications is hard. Distributed Object Computing (DOC) technology is a promising means to alleviate key sources of inherent and accidentalcomplexity in distributed applications. At the heart of DOC technology are Object Request Brokers (ORBS), which facilitate communication between local and remote objects. O RBs alleviate many tedious, error-prone, and non-portable aspects of creating and managing distributed applications and reusable service components. This enables researchers and developers to build and deploy complex applications rapidly and robustly, rather than wrestling endlessly with low-level infrastructure concerns. Widely used ORBS covered in this tutorial include CORBA, DCOM, and Java RMI. Although DOC ORBS are well-suited for conventional request /response-style applications (such as network element management), they are not yet suitable for applications with stringent quality of service (QoS) requirements. In particular, existing DOC specifications and implementations lack key features (e.g., periodic processing and priority guarantees) and optimizations (e.g., latency reduction) required by QoS-sensitive applications in domains such as telecommunications and avionics. Therefore, in addition to providing an overview of existing DOC tools and techniques, this tutorial describes the principles, patterns, and performance Optunizations that ORBS reauire to meet aDcdication -. -. . . . . . LJOs