First Horizontal Test Results of the HZB SRF Photoinjector for BERLinPro

The bERLinPro project, a small superconducting RF (SRF) c.w. energy recovery linac (ERL) is being built at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin in order to develop the technology required for operation of a high current, 100 mA, 50 MeV ERL. The electron source for the accelerator is a 1.4 cell SRF photoinjector fitted with a multi-alkali photocathode. As part of the HZB photoinjector development program three different SRF photoinjectors will be fabricated and tested. The photoinjector described herein is the second cavity that has been fabricated, and the first photoinjector designed for use with a multi-alkali photocathode. The photoinjector has been built and tested at JLab and subsequently shipped to HZB for testing in the horizontal test cryostat HoBiCaT prior to installation in the photoinjector cryomodule. This cryomodule will be used to measure the photocathode operation in a dedicated experiment called GunLab, the precursor to installation in the bERLinPro hall. This paper will report on the final results of the cavity installed in the helium vessel in the vertical testing dewar at Jefferson Lab as well as the first horizontal test in HoBiCaT.