Ultrasonic Assisted Grinding of Advanced Ceramics

INSTRUCTIONS Among all manufacturing technologies cutting with geometrically undefined cutting edges is considered a serious challenge in terms of process understanding and optimization. The main reasons for this situation are the high complexity of interaction between setting parameters and work results, the stochastic nature of the cutting edges, the occurrence of the cutting action on a microscopic level and a permanent flushing of the active zone with cooling lubricant preventing a visual inspection. Based on experiences in the field of turning and milling the use of simulation tools for grinding applications is a major research focus at the IWF Berlin and elsewhere for many years. The overall aim of the modeling activities is to generate a simulation tool which allows a comparative characterization of different grinding processes, a reduction in experimental work and an optimized selection of machine parameters and tool specifications. Due to the increased number of setting parameters, today’s limited base of process understanding and its unique kinematical system Ultrasonic Assisted Grinding is particularly suited for a new simulation approach.