The international handbook of stepfamilies : policy and practice in legal, research, and clinical environments
Foreword Paul R. Amato. Preface. Contributors. Introduction. Acknowledgments. Section I: INTERNATIONAL, DEMOGRAPHIC, AND CULTURAL CONTEXTS. 1 The Demography of Stepfamilies in the United States (Jay Teachman and Lucky Tedrow). 2 Stereotypes of Stepfamilies and Stepfamily Members (Stephen Claxton-Oldfield). 3 Stepfamilies in France Since the 1990s (Jean-Francois Mignot). 4 The Social Context of Emerging Stepfamilies in Japan (Shinji Nozawa). 5 Stepfathers in Cultural Context: Mexican American Families in the United States (Scott Coltrane, Erika Gutierrez, and Ross D. Parke). Section II: DYNAMICS WITHIN STEPFAMILY HOUSEHOLDS. 6 Stepfathers in Families (Jeremy Robertson). 7 Resident Mothers in Stepfamilies (Marjorie Smith). 8 Sibling Relationships in Blended Families (Melinda E. Baham, Amy A. Weimer, Sanford L. Braver, and William V. Fabricius). 9 Resident Parent-Child Relationships in Stepfamilies (Claire Cartwright). 10 A Longitudinal Examination of Marital Processes Leading to Instability in Remarriages and Stepfamilies (Brad van Eeden-Moorefield and Kay Pasley). 11 Children's Appraisals of Relationships in Stepfamilies and First Families (Katherine H. Shelton, Sasha L. Walters, and Gordon T. Harold). 12 The Distribution of Household Tasks in First-Marriage Families and Stepfamilies Across Europe (Laurent Snoeckx, Britt Dehertogh, and Dimitri Mortelmans). 13 Communication in Stepfamilies (Tamara D. Afifi). Section III: INFLUENCES AND RELATIONSHIPS BEYOND THE HOUSEHOLD. 14 Kinship in Stepfamilies (Graham Allan, Sheila Hawker, and Graham Crow). 15 Children's Relationships with Nonresident Parents (Jan Pryor). 16 The Diversity of Stepmothers (Marilyn Coleman, Jessica Troilo, and Tyler Jamison). 17 Intergenerational Relationships in Stepfamilies (Lawrence Ganong). Section IV: CLINICAL AND LEGAL ISSUES. 18 A Clinician's View of "Stepfamily Architecture" (Patricia L. Papernow). 19 Research on Interventions for Stepfamily Couples (Sarah W. Whitton, Jan M. Nicholson, and Howard J. Markman). 20 The Prevention and Treatment of Children's Adjustment Problems in Stepfamilies (Jan M. Nicholson, Matthew R. Sanders, W. Kim Halford, Maddy Phillips, and Sarah W. Whitton). 21 Legal Structures and Re-Formed Families (Bill Atkin). 22 How Relevant Are U.S. Family and Probate Laws to Stepfamilies? (Sarah E. C. Malia). 23 Where to from Here? Stepfamilies and the Future (Jan Pryor). Author Index. Subject Index.