Statistical Analyses of Satellite Cloud Object Data from CERES. Part II: Tropical Convective Cloud Objects during 1998 El Niño and Evidence for Supporting the Fixed Anvil Temperature Hypothesis

Abstract Characteristics of tropical deep convective cloud objects observed over the tropical Pacific during January–August 1998 are examined using the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission/Clouds and the Earth’s Radiant Energy System Single Scanner Footprint (SSF) data. These characteristics include the frequencies of occurrence and statistical distributions of cloud physical properties. Their variations with cloud object size, sea surface temperature (SST), and satellite precession cycle are analyzed in detail. A cloud object is defined as a contiguous patch of the earth composed of satellite footprints within a single dominant cloud-system type. It is found that statistical distributions of cloud physical properties are significantly different among three size categories of cloud objects with equivalent diameters of 100–150 (small), 150–300 (medium), and >300 km (large), except for the distributions of ice particle size. The distributions for the larger-size category of cloud objects are more skewed towa...

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