[Amebic liver abscess in Tarapoto-Peru].

UNLABELLED In order to know the incidence and epidemiologic features of the Amebic Hepatic Abscess we realized this study in the medicine service. 86.67% were males, the average age was 41.38 +/- 18.60 years old being more frequent between 30 and 69 years old (74.48%). The more affected were farmers (60%), students (10%) and Housekeepers (6.67%). The average time of the disease was 12.12 +/- 6.35 dias. The most frequent symptoms were abdominal pain in the upper right quadrant (96.66%), Hepatomegaly (83.33%), Fever (82.22%), Diarrhea (37.77%), Nausea (36.66%), Jaundice (33.33%). The initial diagnosis was AHA (45.55%), acute cholecystitis (14.44%), generalized infectious syndrome (7.77%), acute hepatitis (6.66%). The most frequent studies was: echography (98.85%). AHA alone was in the right lobe (84.05%), left lobe (14.49%). The bigger abscess was of 12 cm in diameter. The treatment was metronidazole + antibioticos (37.78%), metronidazole + antibiotico+percutaneous drainage (24.45%), Metronidazole + surgical drainage (3.33%). The complications were right pleural effusion (8.89%), peritonitis (5.56%) and pioneumothorax (1.11%). The hospitalization time was 14 +/- 8.02 days. There was one death (1.11%). CONCLUSION The AHA was ones of each 76 deliveries in our medicine service.