Interaction & handover between IEEE 802.16e and DVB-S/RCS using MSCTP protocol

Until now, the interaction and the handover between the satellite and wireless radio networks of next generation has not yet taken into account because of the wide difference of operation between the two networks; and the difference of their protocol stacks structures. In this context, we propose an interaction model between a network based on wireless radio technology: the mobile WiMAX, and a spatial network based on satellite broadcasting and return of data: DVB-S/RCS. We suggest also to use the multi-homing protocol: MSCTP to provide the vertical handover for Mobile Terminals that are moving between the two networks. And we propose finally a new DVB-S/RCS protocol stack amended and based on MSCTP and IP protocols to be more interactive with the mobile WiMAX and the end users exchanging IP traffic. In this model we try to ensure good QoS for video streaming traffic; and we will show some experimental results of our vertical handover model using Network Simulator (ns2).