Modeling of manufacturing processes using a Petri-net representation

Abstract This paper presents an approach to manufacturing process modeling. The aim is to develop a model representation that can be integrated into a product model. The manufacturing process is modeled by generic features. Implementation in real-world CAD/CAM systems, application in collaborative and concurrent engineering environments and real-world factory data are taken into consideration. Manufacturing process features are represented by Petri nets that have built-in knowledge for their evaluation. This evaluation procedure results in a status of the Petri net that refers to a single manufacturing process. Re-evaluation of the net on the basis of new input data gives the possibility of modification of that process. Thus, the demands of production scheduling and changed shop-floor conditions can be taken into account. As a partial model of the product model, the manufacturing process model is in close relation to geometric and technical models of the objects to be manufactured. Engineering activities to mechanical parts and machining are considered. However, the modeling approach is also applicable to other manufacturing processes.