친환경 공급사슬관리의 영향요인, 실행수준, 그리고 기업성과간의 구조적 인과관계
【In this paper, we arrange the concept of 'Green' in SCM after literature study of Green SCM and investigate causal relationships between influencing factors, practice level and environmental performance focused on Korean firms empirically and conduct path analysis for hypothesis test using partial least squares regression with bootstrap. Firstly, we divide influencing factors of Green SCM into environmental and organizational factors through the previous studies of innovation diffusion theory and environmental management theory, and then we selected 'uncertainty', 'competitiveness' as the environmental factors and 'top management support', 'perceived benefit', 'training' as the organizational factors. Secondly, we classify practice level of Green SCM into 'internal environmental management', 'green purchasing', 'eco-design'. Finally, we selected 'financial performance', 'environmental performance' as the organizational performance. We conducted a survey on the middle manager of manufacturing companies implementing SCM and an empirical analysis. The results of analysis show that there exist causal relationships between influencing factors, practice level, and environmental performance of Green SCM. We expect that the result of this study will suggest useful information to managers who are responsible for SCM to design and execute Green SCM in strategic perspectives.】