Physics of the Air

THE first edition of “The Physics of the Air” was reviewed at length by Sir Napier Shaw in NATURE bf Mar. 17, 1921. Prof. Humphreys has taken advantage of the opportunity offered by a second edition to meet some of the criticisms levelled at the first. A great deal of recent work has been incorporated, and what is even more important, numerous references have been added as footnotes to serve as guides to further reading. The book seems smaller than its predecessor, but that is an illusion, for the decrease in size has been brought about by cutting down the over-generous margins of the first edition. The amount of text has actually been considerably increased, while the volume is certainly handier. None of the original matter has been deleted, though much of it has been rewritten in the light of the latest investigations.Physics of the Air.By Dr. W. J. Humphreys. Second edition, revised and enlarged. Pp. xii + 654. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.; London: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., 1929.) 30s. net.